A Month of Hungry Ghosts - "Ghost"
          Photos - Coming Soon - This page contains various ghost-like
          photos that were captured on location during Hungry Ghost
          Month in Singapore with high definition digital still and
          video cameras. Most are easily explained as the product of
          long exposures and coincidental lens aberations. These images
          are raw and captured straight from the camera and have not
          been manipulated. They are ironic pictures that are simply the
          product of timing, exposure and syncronicity. New additional
          "ghost" photos will be added as post-production on
          the project continues. Hungry Ghosts home page Trailer Ghost Photos News and Updates Links About

"Running of the Lights" Seventh Lunar Month ceremony-1
"Running of the Lights"
Seventh Lunar Month
Buddhist temple prayer offerings during Hungry Ghost Month
"Hungry Ghost" shoppers racing along busy Orchard Road
Street opera actor performing on stage for an earthly, and supposedly ghostly, Wayang audience
SPI in the entrance to the Ten Courts of Hell at Haw Par Villa on the 15th day of the 7th Lunar Month
Street beggar and "ghostly" pedestrians
Ghostly cameraman filming "Running of the Lights"

Exclusive EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) Outtake Clip - "Take a Seat!"

Ghosts under a street opera stage?  This shot was taken at a street opera performance during Hungry Ghost Month while filming our movie A MONTH OF HUNGRY GHOSTS.  Some people believe that ghosts and spirits reside under the street opera stages.   The "voice" was discovered later in the editing of the film.  Oddly, the voice is in English, but the play was in Hokkien Chinese.  Does this clip capture some sort of paranormal activity?

Click on the screen above to load and play the clip.

The clip can also be viewed on YouTube here.

MORE ON THIS CLIP:  This clip is an outtake from the raw footage and will not be used in its entirety in the film.  The "voice" was discovered during post-production when I sampled the background audio from the original shot and layed it under another shot in the editing timeline.  Playing the edited sequence back, I noticed the "voice" and then adjusted the audio levels to hear it more clearly.   That's when I first heard "take a seat."  Ironically, the sequence in which this audio was "accidentally" merged with in the edit was a shot of the empty chairs that are set aside for the "good brothers" (the ghosts.)  It was such a strange coincidence that I left it in the final edit of the film, although it is very subtle and will not be easily noticed. 

A MONTH OF HUNGRY GHOSTS - 鬼节 - "Ghost" Photos

This page contains various ghost-like photos that were captured on location during Hungry Ghost Month in Singapore with high definition digital still and video cameras.  Most are easily explained as the product of long exposures and coincidental lens aberations.  These images are raw and captured straight from the camera and have not been manipulated.  They are ironic pictures that are simply the product of timing, exposure and syncronicity.  New additional "ghost" photos will be added as post-production on the documentary film project continues.